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Comprehensive Women’s Health
with Patient-Centered Care

Gynecological surgery at Three Rivers Family Medicine is headed by Ty Witt, MD. We strive for excellence in healthcare with a dedication to providing the ideal patient experience. Our clinic specializes in women’s health issues, including bone density health and osteoporosis care, hormonal issues, heavy bleeding, urinary incontinence, and the treatment of infertility.

Dr. Witt strives to provide you a safer alternative to traditional open surgery by using a minimally invasive approach whenever possible, based on your diagnosis. We care about you and your well-being; that is why we offer personalized care in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

Dr. Witt has extensive surgical expertise and stays up-to-date on the newest, most minimally invasive procedures to help you heal with less pain and recovery time.

Dr. Ty Witt is a knowledgeable gynecologist with 30 years of experience in women’s health. Throughout his career he has delivered more than 4,000 babies, but for the past eight years has focused mostly on gynecology.

Dr. Witt sees patients every Monday and Thursday at Three Rivers Family Medicine. For more information or an appointment, call 509-689-3749.

List of Services

  • Hysteroscopy
  • Hysteroscopic Ablations
  • Laparoscopy for Pelvic Masses and Cysts
    Repair of Pelvic and Vaginal Relaxation
  • Vaginal Hysterectomy
  • Laparoscopic Assisted and Abdominal Hysterectomies
  • Infertility Treatment
  • Core Biopsy
  • Vaginal Rejuvenation with Posterior Colporrhaphy and Labioplasty

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